Our Lasting Solutions
We strive to reach, teach and uplift rural communities in a sustainable way.
We believe that we can make a lasting impact and be part of a movement for sustainability.
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
Our work is in alignment with the United Nation’s 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals. These are inequalities and injustices that all countries can work towards ending in order to bring peace and prosperity to the world. The objective is to empower those that may easily be left behind in a world that is developing at a rapid rate.
We aim to align to these goals in such a way that brings credibility to and improves the sustainability of our projects. Our current focuses are on good health and well-being, reduced inequalities, as well as decent work and economic growth.
Our Main Focus Areas
Our health-care projects are structured in a way that helps people of all ages get the medical attention that they need. We bring smiles, restore sight, detect cancer early and uplift the disabled in rural communities.
On one of our Eye Doctor flights, Lisa, a volunteer photographer had a heart-warming experience with an elderly patient who expressed his gratitude for the cataract surgery he received. He shared, “The doctors could have easily told me that I am too old. They could have said. ‘No, we would rather do surgery on someone who has a few years to spare.’”
It was our joy to be able to help this patient and to help many others, regardless of age.
As a country faced with a variety of inequalities, we all need to take the initiative to uplift others whichever way we can. Flying for Life does this by relieving communities in distress and advocating for the forgotten.
We embarked on a relief project to help some of those who were devastatingly affected by the lockdown brought about by COVID-19. The pandemic created a greater distance between people who normally live in isolated conditions and the services that they need. Flying for Life took the initiative to try and bridge some of the gaps.
As part of the project, we provided food packs, clothes, and other essential items to families in need across Gauteng. Sarah’s family was one of those that we were able to help. Her husband, a construction worker, was unable to work or receive any income during this time. Their family had days when their meals came from eating small amounts of leftover foods from their neighbours’ pots. She also had to wrap her 3-month-old baby with their cut-up clothes as they were unable to afford nappies.
It was an honour to help bring relief to her family and make an impact in the lives of those affected where possible.
Not only do we strive to bring services to rural communities, but we also aim to equip the people with skills they need to meet their needs on their own. We do this by helping them access available job opportunities, developing their skills, and building economies.
Dr Hettie Kruger, who incidentally got to know about Flying for Life from colleagues at the hospital where she was stationed as a medical doctor during her community service, shared how a spark of interest turned into passion. Witnessing the work done by Flying for Life inspired her to pursue a career in ophthalmology and to serve rural communities.
“As there are no formal training institutions for doctors in ophthalmology in Limpopo, Flying for Life has been a platform for skills training and academic discussion during my first year working in ophthalmology. I intend to return to the most beautiful Vhembe District, to continue the good work that Flying for Life has started and hopefully to be involved in the training and encouragement of more doctors.”
Since her training, Dr Kruger has returned on many occasions to help those within the community where her passion started.
We hope to train and uplift more people in this way to empower the community as a whole.
“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”
“Reduce inequality within and among countries.”
“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.”
In addition to our main sustainable development goals, we strive to bring quality education, work towards no poverty, and encourage sustainable cities and communities. We intend to do this through partnerships.
To read more life-giving stories and find out how we have impacted the everyday lives of people living in rural communities, read our blog below:
Over the years, we have achieved…
Total Flights
Cataract Surgeries
Dental Patients Helped
Pap Smears
Children Impacted
On a recent flight, the cancer screening project was able to help women in isolated communities with pap smears and some basic education around the importance of cancer screening and prevention.