You Are Seen
Stories from the waiting room…
Below are some touching stories from the waiting room. In these expressions nestle the everyday hopes, dreams, and struggles of patients from rural communities in South Africa; you are a part of their hope. We want to thank you and commend you for your help towards these medical flights that bring breakthrough to so many. Here are a selection of testimonials:
Maranda P | 99 years old.
Maranda lost her sight two years ago.
She has five kids, she expresses how she misses seeing them.
When she regains her sight she most looks forward to seeing the sunset.
Nancy M | 67 years old.
Nancy lost her sight four years ago when she was cleaning her house.
When she regains her sight she wants to see everything – she wishes to stay awake the whole night just to experience the beauty of seeing again.
Nancy heard about FFL from friends in her village.
Myodzanga | 73 years old.
Myodzanga lost her sight 12 years ago.
She has four children, all married.
She misses working in her garden and reading her bible.
When Myodzanga regains her sight she wants to start working, and attending to her home.
Seeing again will be a dream come true, when she regains her sight she will spend all her days visiting her grandchildren and buying them different coloured sweets.
Myodzanga heard about FFL on the streets in her village.
John M | 60 years old.
John lost his sight last year.
He has two children; he is the breadwinner.
Once he regains his sight John most looks forward to spending time working in his garden again.
John heard about FFL through social workers.
The patient expressed how she used to sew and loved it.
After she lost her sight she also went through a divorce because she wasn’t bringing any money or food to the table.
When she regains her sight she looks forward to reading her bible once again, and get back to sewing with immediate effect.
She has three children who have their own homes, the one she was staying with has recently passed away.
(This patient wishes to remain anonymous)
People in rural communities are the most vulnerable and too often forgotten when it comes to receiving quality health care services. It takes months for them to be diagnosed and they wait years to receive the necessary surgeries. Thanks to our partners, volunteers, and donors for being part of the projects to restore people's lives in remote rural areas.
Not all heroes wear capes.
Thank you for being the best supporters an initiative could ask for!
If you would like to invest in our medical flights, please click HERE.
Until our next flight,
Flying for Life